changesinmylife英语作文80词,changes in my life这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
2、正文:With the continuous change of the times, science and technology are also developing rapidly. Now high technology has been everywhere, home, hotel, hotel.随着时代的不断改变,科技也飞速发展,现在的高科技已经无处不在,家里、饭店里、酒店里。
3、They can be said to penetrate into our life bit by bit, and also make our life more colorful and convenient.它们可以说是一点一滴渗透进我们生活,也让我们生活更加丰富多彩,并有了许多方便之处。
4、In the morning, just after the dawn of genius, I opened my eyes vaguely.早晨,天才刚刚亮,我迷迷糊糊地睁开眼睛。
5、See dad has put on headphones to watch interesting variety shows, in order to enjoy the body and mind.就看见爸爸已经戴上耳机观看有趣的综艺节目,以此来愉悦身心。
6、When I finished washing and was about to go out to play, my father suddenly handed me the telephone watch and asked me to wear it all the time.我洗漱完毕,正准备出去玩时,爸爸突然把电话手表递给我,让我时时刻刻都把它戴着。
7、You can contact your family at any time.可以和家人随时联系。
8、At noon, I was sweating. When I was about to eat, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I found an uncle carrying takeout to me.中午,我玩得满头大汗,刚想吃饭时,忽然听到敲门声,我开门后发现一位叔叔拎着外卖给我。
9、It turns out that dad has already ordered food on the takeaway Software... All these examples can show that the Internet has changed our lives.原来,爸爸已经在外卖软件上点餐了……这些事例都可以说明网络改变了我们的生活。
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